The Deal
Chime offers domain registration services as an OpenSRS <> Registration Service Provider (RSP). This service is offered to friends and members of the geek community who i encounter and is far cheaper than traditional companies such as Network Solutions and Since it's not a money-making endeavor on my part, my implementation of it is not designed to be easy for "everyone". In other words, you need to know me well enough to send me a paypal payment, a check, or pay in cash before i'll approve your domain name registration (or transfer). Once you register or transfer a domain name, you'll be able to update all aspects of it as usual through an online web interface. I may add credit card processing at some time in the future if it becomes useful.
Common Questions
What do i need to transfer a domain?
All you need (besides the actual legal grounds to do so) is to have access to the mailbox of the currently registered administrative contact for the domain. Email is sent to that address to authorize the transfer. If you have a domain name which has a bad email address as the admin contact, you'll need to fix that with the current registrar first.

If my domain doesn't expire for another year and i transfer now, do i lose that year?
No, the transfer process will include adding time to extend the current expiration date.
Registration Fees
Costs for transferring or registering domains are based on the OpenSRS fee with a couple bucks added to cover some basic resources on my end. Fees for common top-level namespaces are (contact me for any others):
  • .COM &.ORG - $20/year
  • .NET - $21/year
  • .US - $15/year
  • .TV - $50/year
  • .INFO - $25/year
  • .CC - $35/year
Checks should be made out to "Chime Interactive" and sent to: 4640 cherryvale ave, soquel, ca 95073 or via paypal (add 30c + 2.9% and send to Don't send a check until after you've contacted me and filled out the form to transfer or register your domain name.
The Important Stuff
In order to register or transfer a domain name, you need to agree to two main policy documents:
  1. The "OpenSRS Service Agreement." review this here.
  2. The "ICANN Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP)." review the policy here.
Please review these documents before submitting any requests.
In addition to those, if you plan on registering domains under the following top-levels, you must read and agree to the following policies:
If you have already registered domains, you may log in to manage them at or
Contact Me
If you've come to this page, it's likely because you've been referred by someone i know. If you wish to register or transfer a domain name, email me:
  1. That you agree to the "ICANN UDRP" and the "OpenSRS Service Agreement" (including .US and/or .CC policies, if applicable)
  2. Who referred you
  3. How you'd like to arrange payment
at i'll then respond with the URL to submit your domain name registration.
©2000-2018 chime interactive™. all rights reserved.