chime interactive
consulting design video photography webcasting about hosting products community

Chime provides a variety of web site design services ranging from simple and quick site creation to complete architecture, design, and back end technology integration. Design is typically combined with other services (technology, digital strategy, hosting, video, webcasting, etc) and as a result some of these areas are also touched upon in the following descriptions. All work is always done in close coordination with the client, taking into account any existing logos, color schemes, fonts, and ideas they may have.

Note: This page hasn't been updated since 2007. For recent clients and sites view the home page.

One - Two Month Sites

These sites are a sizable combination of design, technology, and other bells and whistles. An abridged feature synopsis is included for each site.

Flowerbooking -
A new site for indie music booking agency. Designed by Chime and PROD. Back-end technology powered by the Chime Content Management System to handle all artist roster, avails, bios, etc with custom add-ons for automatic importing of tour dates from their internal database.
Launch May 2007
AOL: The DL -
AOL's new indie-music video/portal/community site. Designed by AOL, Chime and PROD architected and built AOL's a next-generation AJAX/DHTML/Flash platform-- AOL's first foray into a standards-based web browsers (as opposed to their stand-alone user-environment).
Launch Oct 2006
My Chemical Romance -
Another site designed by our cohorts at PROD with a back-end by Chime (this time using Drupal). A hybrid of Flash and Drupal-driven dynamic HTML content.
Launch Oct 2006
The new web site for the pop-star/legend was done in conjunction with our friends at PROD. Design was handled by PROD and AJAX/DHTML/JavaScript/PHP front-end technology and back-end database publishing features were handled by Chime. This bleeding edge site features the latest and greatest innovations in AJAX-style coding (with its own link history) combined with in-browser re-creations of desktop features like dragable and minimizable window panels. Content is generated from a database to static flat files to optimize server performance and controlled through a restricted administrative panel.
Initial launch Oct 2005
2nd phase launch Nov 2005, V3 launch Dec 2005, V4 launch Apr 2006, V5 launch Jun 2006
under continuing development
Head Automatica -
Another advanced site for Warner Brothers with our friends at PROD. Design was handled by PROD and AJAX/DHTML/JavaScript/PHP front-end technology plus back-end Drupal wrangling and modules were handled by Chime. This is the first of what will probably be many more Warner Bros. sites driven by the drupal system.
Initial launch Apr 2006
2nd phase launch May 2006
under continuing development
High Road Touring -
This tour agency web site features real-time tour schedules for all 100+ artists, and a content management system that allows High Road staff to edit the artist roster, all biographic and contact information for them, in addition to a user-management system that allows detailed access to additional layers of content for managers, label staff, and other authorized staff. The general public sees public dates and general artist news and photos/bio/etc, but authorized users can access unconfirmed dates and download deal memos (dynamically generated PDF files), riders, ad mats, and more.
Launched Apr 2002, under continuing development
Re-Launched Aug 2005, with new design by dogsname
Ground Control Touring -
This music booking agency's web site is 100% dynamically generated from Chime's content management system. All artist, tour, avails, password-protected promotional materials, etc is updated by Ground Control Touring staff directly and is reflected in realtime on the public web site. Chime produced the design, site assembly, and the back-end is powered by Chime's standard content management system.
Launched February 2005
Bloodshot Records -
This independent music label's web site is 100% dynamically generated from Chime's content management system. All artist, release, download, tour, etc information is updated by Bloodshot staff directly and is reflected in realtime on the public web site. Chime handled the design (with partner Tenacious Toil), site assembly, and the back-end content management system for serving dynamic database-driven content.
Launched November 2004
Redesigned home page August 2005
Monterey Peninsula Artists (MPA) - ||
This music booking agency's web site features both a Flash and HTML interface to view information about their artists. Included are a complete artist roster, agent staff listing (including a territory map with real-time satellite weather maps), and password-protected detailed artist information for authorized users. Chime handled the design and Flash programming (with partner PROD) as well as architecture, site assembly, and the back-end content management system for serving dynamic database-driven content. All content is updated by MPA staff using the content management system.
Monterey office launched July 2004, Nashville office launched October 2004
Full redesign merging Monterey, Nashville, & New York launched Feb 2006
The Plant Studios -
This historic music studio's web site features an in-depth look at each of the available studios, a pictoral history of classic albums recorded there since the 1970s, and complete equipment listings. Chime worked with The Plant staff on building a design that fit their aesthetics and handled all other aspects of the site: architecture, design, graphic creation and site assembly (except for logo development), and back-end content management system for serving dynamic database-driven content.
Launched May 2004, under continuing development
Joe Satriani -
This music promotional web site features an in-depth archive of Joe Satriani's back catalog (including streaming audio samples of all songs), previous and current tour listings combined with fan show reviews and photos, and a wealth of community interaction tools for registered fans. Chime handled all aspects of the site: architecture, design, graphic creation and site assembly, and back-end content management system for serving dynamic database-driven content, including randomization. Chime also produces annual webcasts and other online promotional campaigns.
Launched 2000, re-design approximately each year
Santa Cruz Community Credit Union -
This non-profit financial institution site was a complete redesign and re-architecting of their existing site. Chime handled site architecture, color & font selection, home page and sub-page design, graphic creation and site assembly, back-end technology for web-based administration to serve dynamic database-driven content, including randomization.
Launched Jun 2003, under continuing development
Grateful Dead (So Many Roads Box Set Compilation) -
This promotional site for the Grateful Dead's first box set release, So Many Roads (1965 - 1995) includes streaming audio and video presentations, an exclusive photo gallery, and a fan essay contest which gave winners free copies of the new release.
The Other Ones (Live Webcast) -
This promotional site for the Grateful Dead member's alternate life as "The Other Ones" was a live in-studio webcast that featured exclusive tracks from the new album The Strange Remain, a live jam, and a moderated chat that combined live questions from fans via AOL, IRC and the Web.

One - Three Week Sites

These sites are a basic combination of design and back-end technology.

Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival -
This free music festival in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park has been going since 2001 and a basic informative web site is built profiling the current year's performers. Highlights of previous years (in the form of streaming audio/video and photographs) are being expanded over time.
VC-InsideOut -
A podcast program produced by the investment professionals at Levensohn Venture Partners that opens a window into the venture capital industry through constructive dialogue and interviews with leading VCs, entrepreneurs, and other influential leaders involved with the VC world. Another project with our partners at PROD, this site features regular podcast episodes available through iTunes (and other podcast applications) subscription, direct MP3 download, or a streaming flash player.
Kikkerfest -
This free online music festival is a Chime production with streaming partner Apple (QuickTime) presenting video webcasts of Chime clients. Also included are photo galleries, interviews, show reviews and other related content. Chime handles all design, media encoding, artist relations, and in some cases audio/video production and editing.
Community Through Birth -
This site is a basic design and also includes a content management system for updating birthing class schedules.
Life Balance Institute -
This non-profit organization's site includes a content management system for updating retreat schedules and online resource listings.
Slim's -
This premier San Francisco music venue's site has a basic web design driven by a dynamic scheduling database that caches shows from the online ticketing site Virtuous and presents them along with special presentations. Slim's staff uses web-based administration tools to update per-show information and send out weekly newsletters profiling shows that are on sale.

One - Three Day Sites

These sites are basic designs with a home page and then sub-page template. Text is already prepared and the pages are all put together in a couple days. Any back-end technology makes use of the Chime tools including in hosting accounts.

Nuggets Of Wisdom -
MediaGems -
Dandeline -
Stellavision -
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